Psychology and the Brain

            Biology/Physiology has been shown to play an important role in Psychology. The following cephalic and endocrine organs can be linked to various behaviors in humans.

            You and your group will determine the function of the organ, and what type of behavior is associated with it. You will also present what types of conditions would occur if the organ was somehow malfunctioning or damaged.

            Your 10-20 minute presentation will be in front of the class and should be informative as well as entertaining. Examples of presentations could include acting out scenes, game shows, dialogues, props/visual aids, etc.

            A bibliography will be required and grading criteria will be determined by the Psych and the Brain Evaluation Sheet.


Adrenal Glands & Thyroid Gland

Cerebellum & Corpus Collosum

Frontal Lobe

Hippocampus & Amygdala


Occipital Lobe

Parietal Lobe

Pituitary Gland

Thalamus & Pineal Gland

Temporal Lobe

ACCOUNTABILITY SHEET:  You and each of your group members must rate each other and yourself in order to receive ANY grade on this project!  Please write a brief summary about what you/your partner(s) did and what score you deserve. 

Scale: 1=Did not help at all; 10=Did as much as possible