David Williams is a certified hypnotherapist and is a guest in the class during the unit on States of Consciousness. Below is some information about hypnotherapy and a brief bio written by Mr. Williams:

650 4TH. Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95402

Holistic Hypnotherapy

     People who experience the power of transformation during the process work of Holistic Hypnotherapy find it promotes happiness, peacefulness understanding, and the tendency to accept life's challenges (past, present and future) as part of their physiological and spiritual growth.
     As a practicing certified hypnotherapist I have witnessed hundreds of transformations in my office and at trainings, I have watched people change in front of my eyes, rapidly and safely.
     In sesion after session I have learned the same truth. That within one's own self lies the most perfect answers and solutions for each individual. I facilitate my clients by guiding them through their own individual and personal process to deep levels of insight and self-awareness, rapidly and with incredible clarity. All the while leaving my clients in charge of their own transformation at the deepest level. Powers that they have always had are brought to the surface, often for the first time. It is power they have always posessed. They previously were unable to use their power because they themselves did not know it was there.
     Many potent emotional memories that we carry inside of ourselves date back to the first few years of our life, during the relationships between an infant or a small child and it's care givers. Buried in our subconscious are many emotionally charged memories as well as a belief system based on decisions made when we were very young, sometimes overwhelmed, sometimes during stress and sometimes during trauma. This emotional belief system exist and operates below our level of conscious awareness, yet when triggered we often respond from this reactive place. We are working with old information, a life script written when we were very young, the 'Book of Survival'. THis was a good book for the child, and it should be honored. It is when we bring this Book of behaviors and decisions forward into our adult life that we begin to have problems. Operating as adults, based on decisions we made when we were very young children often leads to trouble and the repetition of negative experiences.
     Being able to safely go back to the incidents in our childhood that are held firmly in our subconscious mind and deal with them from our now adult point of view and changing the emotional charge that is associated with that past experience is what brings about the real changes in our behaviors, action and feelings.
     This is why hypnosis is such a powerful tool in realizing our conscious desires about happiness, peace and well being. Hypnotherapy can free us of emotional weight, help us behave the way we want to behave, feel the way we want to feel and think the way we want to think.

     David Williams C.H.T., is a Certified Hypnotherapist including Transformational, Clinical, Alchemical and Pastoral. David has been a hypnotherapist, trainer, teacher and researcher for years. He is the Director of the California Institute for Mind/Body Awareness (est.1990) and is on the Board of Directors, Renewal Center (est. 1970). His own continuing healing work and commitment to self-actualization and his spiritual approach to therapy provides a safe and powerful enviroment for his clients' transformation and healing.

     Holistic Hypnotherapy is a powerful new approach to hypnosis developed by David. It is eclectic and highly intuitive while operating from a solid foundation of proven techniques.
 "The key to an understanding of the nature of our conscious life and the soul lies in the unconscious. All the difficulties and secrets of the psyche become obvious in this light, the light of the unconscious." Carl Gustav Carus, 1789-1869 'On the Development of the Soul.'

Holistic Hypnotherapy         Personal Empowerment        Practical Therapy for Life
Clearing the negative effects of:
           - anger                                            - depression
           - stress                                            - tension
           - anxiety                                          - overeating
           - low self-esteem                              - phobias
           - fears                                             - addictions
           - sexual abuse                                   - grief
           - co-dependency                                - relationships
           - self destructive behaviors                 - repetition compulsion
           - attention deficit disorder                  - chronic pain
    Stop reactive behavior and live consciously. Start taking healthy control of your life. Enjoy awareness and healing through self confidence and self knowledge.
     Hypnotherapy has been useful in a wide variety of ways for my clients. I have helped students pull their grade point average up and become RN's, stock brokers prepare for difficult securities exchange tests and pass tests they would of otherwise failed, couples stay together in co-creative relationships and helped singles break destructive relationship patterns.